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Saturday, March 7, 2009

Searching effort - Steven's car keys

After frisbee pickup session on Wednesday evening, as usual we were all settling down, cleaning up ourselves. With addition, Mark and Hoay Phing got flour, eggs and water all over them. It's Hoay Phing's birthday and everybody pulled a prank on her, but Mark who was there beside her, was sorta trying to protect her. So he got himself dirty as well.

Back to the story - so as we were settling down at the basement car park, Steven came to us and said, "I've misplaced my car keys and I can't find it! Anybody saw or has my car keys?" And we were all blurred up. It started raining outside. So me being the first, drove my car to the middle of the field and turned the lights on. King came to the middle of the field as well. Kevin and Emily park their car on the pavement though.
That's my car.

And King's car.

Here's a video on part of the searching effort.

As you can see - 4 cars have to be driven to the field just to searching for his car keys. Well, that's how you help a friend in trouble. Best part is he doesn't have his spare keys with him in KL. They're at Ipoh with his dad, if I'm not mistaken.

In the end, after opened up the second cocrete cover of the drain at the side of the field, Michael saw the car keys! Must have fallen in there there the holes of the concrete cover. So he went down and get it for Steven. Problem solved!

Teamwork does pay off good! Bravo team..


Unknown said...

here's me suggestion...

a) steven should really take a day off and give all of you a good treat...and i am talking tony roma's or chilli's or the apartment

b) he should have just bought a dongle and hang it to his keys...this if it goes missing...the dongle wil go 'tweet tweet tweet'

c) he could have left his keys in his bag and never to take them out until the game is over

or (my personal favourite)

d) never to drive again or pass his car to one us to drive...

see problem solved...let's just hope steven doesnt read this...

TJ said...

hahaha!! wah.. if he reads this, he's gona be one of the most stingy person in the world.. haha! watch and see

Steven said...

too bad for u Ben, i'm reading it now~~

firstly, i already treated them for their help

secondly, i won't give the key to any one unless i have no choice

thirdly, Terence you are right =P


Unknown said...

oppps...he read...darn it...